Cassidy Car Parts puts fire behind them

November 30, 2017
Cassidy Car Parts puts fire behind them Since the fire Cassidy Car Parts has actually enhanced its stock levels and is able to offer access to an even wider selection of dismantled vehicles and recycled parts - David Cassidy

It was business as usual just a few days after a widely reported fire at one of Ireland’s leading car dismantlers, in September.
The blaze took place at Cassidy Car Parts in Grangebellew, Co Louth and although around 150 cars awaiting dismantling were destroyed, the company was back up and running and servicing customers again very quickly.
Owner, David Cassidy said, "The pictures of the fire in the media looked spectacular, but it was actually restricted to a relatively small area of our yard. Fortunately the blaze did not spread to any of the buildings which meant our offices and parts storage warehouses were unaffected.”
The fire was spotted in the early hours of the morning and was the result of an electrical fault in a car that had come in late the previous evening. Fire fighters were quickly on the scene and brought it under control. David comments, "The fire service did a great job in containing the blaze and my thanks go out to them. My staff team were also excellent in helping to clean up the site and get the business back up and running very quickly.”
David is keen to stress, that since the fire, Cassidy Car Parts has actually enhanced its stock levels and is able to offer access to an even wider selection of dismantled vehicles and recycled parts. He says, "We were able to clear the fire damaged area very quickly and we were taking in new vehicles for dismantling almost immediately. It was really only a matter of hours before our team were back serving our customers.”
Details of the complete range of vehicles being dismantled can be found at For more information call 041-685-1214.

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