Strongline Autoparts see success in the Cloud

October 11, 2022
Strongline Autoparts see success in the Cloud

One of Irelands leading parts distributors, Strongline Autoparts has continued its programme of investment in new technology, choosing MAM Software as their provider for both hardware and software solutions. 

Strongline decided that Autopart Online was the solution to help further enhance their operations offering a versatile business management software solution that seamlessly integrates sales, stock management, accounting and reporting processes in one easy-to-use package. Autopart Online is also a cloud-based solution, with servers located in a data centre. This increases security and removes the need for on-site servers and their ongoing maintenance. 

David MacNeany, Strongline Autoparts director said the introduction was a very smooth process. He said, “Almost 100% of the set up was via remote implementation without any downtime. Once implementation was complete, we noticed significant improvements across the system.” David added, “The first thing staff noticed were the speed improvements, with everything happening instantly.” 

The staff also noted to David how easy it was to save files directly to their desktop and the printing capabilities had increased.” 

As well as improving day-to-day processes, Autopart Online also had other business benefits. David said, ‘We were having to come in on a regular basis to fix or reboot the server, there may have been a Microsoft update in the middle of the night and this would generally stop the end of day completing. Now with Autopart Online, none of this is a problem as this is all taken out of our hands.” 

Using a cloud-based solution ensures that all Microsoft updates and Autopart version updates are conducted by MAM and are done out of hours to ensure this does not disrupt working hours. A move to MAMs cloud-based solution ensures data is protected due to the advanced security features it offers. 

Strongline Autoparts have successfully transitioned to using Autopart Online and are now looking at their next investments to continue their growth as a business. David concluded ‘The next module we will be looking at is barcode scanners, possibly starting with the goods in module and expanding further as time goes on’. 

Mick Forrest, Director at MAM Software commented, “I have been happy to see Strongline Autoparts go from strength to strength in the Automotive industry and the part that MAM Software’s applications have played in this.”

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